
Atacama Immersion Chile takes you to learn Astronomy, Geology and Mining


Through intensive courses, the Catholic University of the North through Atacama Immersion, invites groups of students from all over the world to visit Chile in order to learn more about all the sciences that it develops thanks to its privileged geographical position and natural benefits.

In this program contemplate sciences such as Astronomy, Geology and Mining, important sources of study that have allowed the country to be reference and capital of them, having the most arid desert of the planet guaranteeing a totally clear sky to see the sky; It is also one of the countries with the highest seismic activity and has important mining reserves, especially Copper.

In this sense, the Catholic University of the North, in order to generate an international academic extension and propagate the studies carried out in Chile, promoting it as a power to investigate important sciences, proposes this series of cognitive encounters concentrating theory and practical courses guarantors of fix the knowledge.

Astronomy Course

In a total of 28 academic hours, students will be able to know from a general perspective, the basic characteristics of this science, framed in six modules: Introduction to Astronomy, Studies of Celestial Bodies, The Universe on a large scale and the opportunity to see the cosmos through the telescopes of the Paranal Observatory

Geology course

This science will be addressed through the Volcanism Course in northern Chile, in 4 modules the origin of volcanoes in the world will be studied, as well as their types and volcanic products after eruptions; to close with the reality of the volcanoes in Chile properly visiting the Láscar Volcano. This also includes 28 academic hours.

Mining Course

In five modules comprising 28 academic hours, our students will know the basic principles of Mining, the greatest economic activity of the southern country, from the introduction to mining to the concentration of minerals in the North of Chile, all of which will be fixed through of a field visit in a Mine.

In the package containing three intensive courses, it will be possible to see in the field the development of the sciences to be studied, the scenario is the north of Chile, in this context the AI ​​Chile team will present historical places and natural attractions worthy of witnessing, and The Paranal Observatory, The Hand of the Desert, the Valley of the Moon, Valle de la Muere, Lasca Volcano, Visit to a Mine, Geyser, Laguna tebinquinche, Sanctuary of the Flamingos, Visit to the Geological Museum and Ruins of Huanchaca

An experience nourished by science, studies and also tourist tours, included in the course to be acquired, in addition to modules that contemplate a load of 3 Credit Units, contributed by the amount of academic hours that will be arranged to develop it.

The people called to this experience are all without distinction, from students, to workers of companies or simply groups of friends who wish to acquire this type of experience as a personal goal. Those enrolled will have classes, tours, guided tours, accommodation, meals and snacks, support material and more in these two wonderful weeks organized for personal, cultural and professional growth.